Hiking is an activity to walk long distances with terrain that is still easily traversed. Usually, hiking is included in one of the activities for Boy Scouts. Do you remember when you were a Scout member from elementary to high school and there was a schedule for hiking? The roads during hiking are still pleasant to pass so they are not so exhausting.

Hiking trails have been prepared, from trails to narrow alleys. The path is official and is already used for hiking activities and there are even points for rest.

Travel time of hiking activities is more monitored. Because usually hiking is done by a group, hiking has a timetable. It can be completed in a few hours and usually takes a day at most. This is because hiking has a path that is easy to pass and aims for recreation.

However, hiking for nature lovers is not just an easy recreation, such as hiking activities by school Scouts. Aiming just to do a hobby or even relieve stress, hiking has its own sensation when carried out. Located in the open which is still so cool, hiking, of course, must be done with good physical preparation.

Abstinence when hiking is not leaving a trail that can hurt the environment, for example; Don’t drive nails into trees or anything. In addition, if you plan to do outdoor activities, you also need to remember not to leave items that cannot be decomposed in a short time, such as plastic. It is mandatory by law, the waste is brought and disposed of in the proper place.

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